I hope you all have been able to get out and enjoy the weather this Fall. It is certainly a beautiful time of year! Some announcements are in order. This next Sunday is Children’s Sabbath, which promises to be a great service as we hear about what it means to listen to our children and help them where they are hurting. Due to this special service at 11:00, WE ARE CANCELLING OUR 8:30 AM SERVICE THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17TH. (The 8:30 service will resume on the following Sunday.) Also, coming up on Wednesday Nights are two new Bible Studies. The first one will be taught by me on “Healing in the Bible,” which is a Bible Study that I developed. There is no text to purchase. It is a four-week study that will run from Oct 27 – Nov 17th. Then, beginning on Wednesday Dec 1st, we will start a four-week Advent Study using the book “All the Good: A Wesleyan Way of Christmas,” which can be purchased at Cokesbury or Amazon. And the really exciting news? One of the authors, Rev. Dr. Amy Valdez-Barker, has agreed to teach it for us here at HGUMC! Amy is an Elder in the North Georgia Conference who has served in numerous places throughout our connection and is now living here in Lilburn. For a more complete bio, please click here. This study will run from Dec 1st through Dec 22nd. Due to a previous commitment on Amy’s part, I will teach the first session and Amy will teach the remaining three. Please join us for what promises to be a wonderful and insightful Advent study!