Update from Health and Welfare Team Mask Wearing Requirements Lifted: Changed to Optional Starting March 20th We look forward to seeing your smiling face, if you would like us to! As we usher in the official beginning of Spring and the Time Change forward has occurred, we are going forward as well, with lifting the mask wearing requirement and making it optional as we continue meeting at church for worship services, Sunday school, and other small group functions inside the church. These indeed have been challenging times, and we, appreciate your adherence to the safety procedures developed by the HGUMC Health and Welfare Team during the past 2 years. We are eager to continue our fellowship and worship at the church, and maintain a safe environment, with now being able to see your smiling faces. The Health and Welfare Team will continue to use the information from CDC regarding assessing the level of CV19 risk of spread in our county, along with county new case levels, and safety precaution guidelines accordingly. Additionally, we will continue to follow guidelines from Northeast Georgia UM Conference. As of March 11th Gwinnett County is low new cases level https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-19-daily-status-report, and is at medium risk level https://covidactnow.org/us/georgia-ga/county/gwinnett_county/?s=30521910. We will still be maintaining certain distancing, use of hand sanitizer, and the attendance tracking recommendations and precautions as this time. We remind you all that streaming services will continue to be available on Facebook, and on YouTube. Harmony Grove UMC cares about the health and well-being of all of our members and attendees, therefore, if you are a person with higher risk of developing severe disease from COVID-19, and have not yet received the vaccine (see CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/people-with-medical-conditions.html), we recommend that when in-church services resume, that you avoid attending in person and join us online. Thank you and Be well, and Smile, Your Harmony Grove Health and Welfare Committee In Christ’s Love |