In-person worship is back—hopefully for good! Beginning this Sunday, we will be meeting again for our 11:00 worship. All the details you need to know about this can be found below. Given much of the recent good news about the pandemic lessening, we are hopeful that we can begin to get back to normal again. Wouldn’t that just be so wonderful?! Also, looking ahead, our Youth Director, Katlyn Zulinke, will be preaching for us on March 21st. Then on March 28th we will be having our Easter Cantata. This will be Palm Sunday and we are hoping that many of you will send in a short video of your family waving palms so we can include that in our service—Beth and I have sent ours in! If you need fresh palms, we still have some in the big refrigerator on the kitchen you can pick up. Then on Easter, April 4th, we will have a Sunrise service at 7:00 AM at the Labyrinth and an 11:00 in-person service. I am hoping that many of you will come to the outdoor Sunrise service so as to allow space for those who can only attend at 11:00, which we have to limit. And now a word from Gretchen about a REALLY FUN opportunity for our children and youth.
“You’ve Been Egged!”Mobile Easter Egg HuntSaturday, April 3rd- Easter Sunday, April 4thThanks, Mark! Like most things this year, Covid-19 continues to force us to change, if not cancel, our regularly planned public events and celebrations. However, this gave us some great opportunities to think outside of the box about ways that we can continue to serve the community while keeping the health and safety of all our top priority. Instead of doing a traditional Easter Egg Hunt here on church grounds, Harmony Grove UMC would like to send its Easter bunnies out to your address to hide eggs in your yard! You are invited to participate in our first ever “You’ve Been Egged!”- Mobile Easter Egg Hunt.
There are three easy ways for families to sign up for this event:1. Register your address using the sign-up genius link below:2. Register via email by sending your address to hgumckids@gmail.com3. Send a text with your name, address and number of children to Gretchen @(404) 202-2160.
We also need your support for this event, as always, in the form of CANDY or monetary donations. If you would like to volunteer to be one of my Easter bunnies (stuffing, delivering and hiding the eggs) please let me know. We will deliver and hide all eggs on Saturday evening, April 3rd so that children can wake up to an Easter morning surprise!
Ephesians 2:8-10 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God-not the result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.