SAS Model
In March of 2022, Harmony Grove adopted the Simplified Accountable Structure (SAS) model for our church leadership council. This a a revision of the previous One Council.
Leadership Board Members
Term Expires Dec 31, 2026
- Ann Tew
- Robert Watkins
- Nancy Bradley
Term Expires Dec 31, 2025
- Jeane Beard
- Tricia Williams
- Renee Johnson
Term Expires Dec 31, 2024
- Sandra Waldrop, Chair
- Mac Tripp
- Sheila (Jim) Landis
Term Expired Dec 31 2023
- Mike Nicovich
- Cheri Gatland-Lightner
- Ron Lublink
Nominating Committee
Are you interested in participating in the Leadership Board or on an ad hoc committee? Did you know you can self-nominate? Speak with a member of the Nominating Committee for details.
2023 Committee Members
- Mark LaRocca-Pitts
- Sandra Waldrop
- Jim Landis
- Sharon Darby
- Scott Avery
- Becky Nicovitch
Group Reports
Groups and missions of the church may provide the Board with reports on their activities. The report should include:
- Ongoing activities
- Recently completed activities
- Upcoming activities
- Action items
New Business
If you have an issue or idea that may need attention from the board, feel free to start the conversation with Pastor Mark or Sandra Waldrop. Some items may be addressed without the Board’s involvement. Upcoming board meetings are announced in the What’s Happening about 2 weeks before the meeting. This would be the time to provide any required written reports to include in the board meeting packet sent to the board members 1 week before the meeting.
Board Meetings - FAQ
How often does the board meet?
The Leadership Board meets every 4-6 weeks and is announced in the What’s Happening.
Who can attend these meetings?
Anyone from the church may sit in on the board meetings except during SPR topics.
Who can speak and vote at meetings?
Only the 9 board members can vote at meetings. The pastor has voice but no vote. Visitors have no voice unless invited to speak related to an agenda item. The meeting scribe has no voice and no vote.
How does one get an item on the Agenda?
The meeting agenda is set at least 1 week prior to each meeting. New agenda items can be submitted at anytime, but should be submitted at least 1 week before the next meeting. It is also possible an item can be addressed outside the Board.
What is in the Agenda Packet?
What happens at a meeting?
Meetings are expected to last 90 minutes. The first 30 minutes are used for discipleship and leadership building. The remaining time is used to discuss church-related activities and ministries that are on the preapproved agenda.
An important responsibility of the Board is to formulate Goals and Guiding Principles. Fulfilling the church Goals will be the objective of the church missions. Guiding Principles enable the work of the church to proceed without explicit Board approval, such as the ability to spend budgeted money for a particular ministry.
How can I become a Board member?
Each year, three members are rotated off the board and three new members rotated on. If you are interested in serving on the Leadership Board, please speak with a member of the Nominating Committee (coming soon).