These are crazy times!

In case you have not noticed, it is a crazy time! With the unpredictable weather as well as the unpredictable pandemic, it is hard to know from week to week how we will be doing church. I am hoping you all have received the update from the Health and Welfare Committee sent out yesterday regarding our plan through the month of January. As a quick summary, we will not be having in-person worship for the last two Sundays in January and, pandemic permitting, we will go back to in-person worship on the first Sunday in February, Feb 6th. This will include all Sunday School classes as well as both the 8:30 and 11:00 service. We are also going back to stricter guidelines regarding COVID precautions such as mandatory mask wearing and social distancing in all in-person venues until further notice. The end of this is approaching, but it has not yet arrived, so we are being cautious.

Now for some other news! This next Sunday, January 23rd, I will be preaching and then on January 31st Rev Jim Landis will be preaching, so be sure to tune in. Also, Lent begins on Wednesday, March 2nd, when we will have our Ash Wednesday Service at 6:00 PM in the sanctuary. We will also resume our Wednesday Night Bible Studies beginning on Wednesday, March 9th, with a six-week Lenten Bible Study, which will run through Wednesday, April 13th. Classes will begin at 6:00 PM in Room A-103. We will be using Dr. Amy-Jill Levine’s Lenten study titled, Witness at the Cross, which can be ordered through Cokesbury or Amazon. Hope you all can join us!